This TiddlyWiki contains the following tiddlers:
- $:/_banner-styles
- $:/_styles
- $:/config/codemirror-6/autocompleteTiddlerFilter
- $:/config/kanban/items/match-header-color
- $:/config/muuri/storyview/columns
- $:/config/muuri/storyview/drag-enabled
- $:/config/muuri/storyview/NavigateToAnimation
- $:/config/myGallery/align-right
- $:/config/myGallery/item-class
- $:/config/myGallery/storylist
- $:/core
- $:/DefaultTiddlers
- $:/isEncrypted
- $:/layout
- $:/plugins/BTC/Muuri
- $:/plugins/BTC/Muuri-Kanban
- $:/plugins/BTC/Muuri-Kanban/ui/KanbanTemplate
- $:/plugins/BTC/tiddlywiki-codemirror-6
- $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/highlight
- $:/status/RequireReloadDueToPluginChange
- $:/StoryList
- $:/themes/tiddlywiki/snowwhite
- $:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla
- $:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/options/sidebarlayout
- $:/view
- Actions can be triggered on Drop
- Buy some eggs
- Buy some milk
- Ceci n’est pas une pipe.
- Change the amount of columns
- Changelog
- Configuration by Namespace
- Configuration Options
- Create a Kanban
- Do the laundry
- Done
- Dragging Tiddlers
- El jardin de las Delicias
- How this Kanban works
- I am Mr. Van Gogh
- I am one of that guy's paintings
- Images
- Installation
- Kanban
- Kanban Changelog
- Kanban Installation
- Moving Items between Grids
- myGalleryTemplate
- myGalleryTiddler
- Right-to-left or Left-to-right View
- Simple ImageGallery
- Star me on GitHub
- The Birth of Venus
- The Great Wave off the Coast of Kanagawa
- The Kiss
- This Louvre moment
- TiddlyWiki Version compatibility
- Tip: Use the Muuri Layout
- Todo
- Working
- Works best with the CodeMirror 6 plugin